Today is actually Alexis' birthday (we celebrated her party last week because she was here; she's in Oklahoma now, where her daddy is attending some kind of Marine weapons school), and I have to say I give thanks for her all the time. She's such a happy, content little baby, and I attribute much of that to how wonderful her mommy and daddy take care of her. She obviously sees life as this wonderful, exciting place to be -- you can tell by how she giggles and laughs and smiles all the time.

Here's a photo of her right after she was born (grabbed this photo from her mommy's blog -- thanks Connie!). Note the "daddy doll" in the corner of the bassinet. All the nurses made much of that doll. I was so honored to be there when she was born, and I'm so glad she and Connie will be back here with us when Josh is deployed this summer.
Thank you, God, for this beautiful bright light in our lives. Alexis, happy birthday, little girl!
Aww... I can't believe it's been a whole year already!
Happy Birthday LexiBean! Mwah!
I can't believe it either!!! I have a toddler now! Eep!!
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