I'll be away from this blog for the next week. You can find me here. If you'd rather just view the photos, visit here.
See you next week!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Virus warning
Got another virus warning the other day forwarded from a friend. It's been a while since I'd seen one, so I was excited to get it. Here's what it said, in part:
Well that sounds scary -- especially when it's in ALL CAPS and includes multiple exclamation points!!! -- but that's not the half of it. There's a reason why both CNN and Microsoft classified it as "worst" and "most destructive." (And Microsoft knows what constitutes destructive. I'm looking at you, Vista.) Here's what else the virus will do:
>>> It will collect all the URLs from all the Web sites you've been viewing lately and forward to your entire address book so everyone will know what a dork you are for visiting sites like Best Week Ever and The Fug Girls.
>>> It will open your mail and throw away all the important things, including checks.
>>> It will borrow your car and run the gas out.
>>> It will eat all the food in your kitchen and leave two drops of milk in the container in the refrigerator.
>>> It will step on the punchline of your jokes.
>>> It will gossip about you behind your back.
>>> It will get you to help it with a project and then take full credit, possibly getting the promotion you deserved.
>>> It will track mud all over your carpet.
>>> It will drink all the beer in your refrigerator and leave empty cans in the living room.
>>> It will leave its dirty socks lying around the bedroom.
>>> It will leave the toilet seat up.
>>> It will make long-distance calls to foreign countries that it will charge to your phone.
>>> It will locate your old boyfriends (or girlfriends) and send recent unflattering photos of you.
Do not open any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD,' regardless of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns ' the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.
If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,' even though sent to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down your computer immediately.
This is the worst virus announced by CNN. It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.
Well that sounds scary -- especially when it's in ALL CAPS and includes multiple exclamation points!!! -- but that's not the half of it. There's a reason why both CNN and Microsoft classified it as "worst" and "most destructive." (And Microsoft knows what constitutes destructive. I'm looking at you, Vista.) Here's what else the virus will do:
>>> It will collect all the URLs from all the Web sites you've been viewing lately and forward to your entire address book so everyone will know what a dork you are for visiting sites like Best Week Ever and The Fug Girls.
>>> It will open your mail and throw away all the important things, including checks.
>>> It will borrow your car and run the gas out.
>>> It will eat all the food in your kitchen and leave two drops of milk in the container in the refrigerator.
>>> It will step on the punchline of your jokes.
>>> It will gossip about you behind your back.
>>> It will get you to help it with a project and then take full credit, possibly getting the promotion you deserved.
>>> It will track mud all over your carpet.
>>> It will drink all the beer in your refrigerator and leave empty cans in the living room.
>>> It will leave its dirty socks lying around the bedroom.
>>> It will leave the toilet seat up.
>>> It will make long-distance calls to foreign countries that it will charge to your phone.
>>> It will locate your old boyfriends (or girlfriends) and send recent unflattering photos of you.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Awesome Friday: "desert storm" not just the name of a war strategy
This is a dust storm in Iraq, a shot taken by Jackie's friend Andy Tukey. Pretty awesome sight, isn't it?


Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Busiest weekend EVER
Well. What a weekend we've had.
First there was the C of C graduation, which is always a beautiful event at the cistern. Of course, the moment we were waiting for was when Amanda crossed the stage to get her diploma. Everything else was filler.
Then there was the reception -- a fun party with family and friends. Great food. Great fun. Great champagne.
Then on Sunday -- Mother's Day -- there were tornadoes. For the first time in years we missed our annual Mother's Day hunt for blackberries at Charles Towne Landing. But it was all for the sake of safety. And so we stayed around the house and watched the warnings on TV. (One time we got word that a tornado was moving across the Stono, so we had to rush down to the basement. First time we'd ever been able to take advantage of it for that particular use.)
But Sunday morning there was also another drama unfolding, a bit scary: Addison, Jessica's two-month-old, was rushed to the hospital with problems breathing and some bizarre foaming at the mouth and a slight fever. They started running tests, most of which relieved us (spinal tap came back ok, so no meningitis), but they still weren't sure what it was. They were guessing possibly a seizure, infection or pneumonia. They transferred her to MUSC Children's Hospital midday, where they continued running tests. She'll be there about two days while cultures come back. What a first Mother's Day for Jessica! Made the concern over tornadoes seem like nothing.
But this was also a reminder -- appropriately on Mother's Day -- for all of us to seize all the time we can, every moment possible, with our children.
The other day I mentioned to Holly that I wondered what makes a better gift for Mother's Day -- something to assist you in your mothering role (organizers, etc.) or something to help you escape from it temporarily (spa treatment, etc.). It's an interesting thing to ponder. But then, almost as a postscript to that conversation, on the news this morning I heard a tidbit that raised my eyebrows and caused me to revisit some of those thoughts: The news item said 50% of new mothers wish they could leave their jobs and stay home with their children and that if their husbands made enough money they would gladly quit their jobs to stay home.
I know the working outside the home vs. being a stay-at-home mom is a hot topic, and I'm not going to debate the issue here. As far as I'm concerned, it's a matter of individual priorities -- doing what you think is best and not bowing to pressure to do something else. As for the 50% who wish they could stay home, I hope they can find the means to follow that dream soon (sometimes just cutting out the extras can make it happen) because there won't be a "do-over" later. (Presumably the 50% who do not wish to leave work are already following their dreams of continuing to work.)
In the end, after all that's happened this weekend, my "revisited" thoughts on what makes the best Mother's Day gift led me to this: Whether you're a new mother or a long-time mom like me, I can think of no better gift than time with your children. The whole day to play ... a phone call ... a walk in the park ... a shopping expedition ... even sitting in front of the TV together. Just time. It's what that 50% craves more of. It's what Jessica is terrified she'll lose with Addison. It's what has built beautiful memories for me over the years (the blackberry picking every year is really about spending a day with my girls).
I can go to a spa any old time.
First there was the C of C graduation, which is always a beautiful event at the cistern. Of course, the moment we were waiting for was when Amanda crossed the stage to get her diploma. Everything else was filler.
Then there was the reception -- a fun party with family and friends. Great food. Great fun. Great champagne.
Then on Sunday -- Mother's Day -- there were tornadoes. For the first time in years we missed our annual Mother's Day hunt for blackberries at Charles Towne Landing. But it was all for the sake of safety. And so we stayed around the house and watched the warnings on TV. (One time we got word that a tornado was moving across the Stono, so we had to rush down to the basement. First time we'd ever been able to take advantage of it for that particular use.)
But Sunday morning there was also another drama unfolding, a bit scary: Addison, Jessica's two-month-old, was rushed to the hospital with problems breathing and some bizarre foaming at the mouth and a slight fever. They started running tests, most of which relieved us (spinal tap came back ok, so no meningitis), but they still weren't sure what it was. They were guessing possibly a seizure, infection or pneumonia. They transferred her to MUSC Children's Hospital midday, where they continued running tests. She'll be there about two days while cultures come back. What a first Mother's Day for Jessica! Made the concern over tornadoes seem like nothing.
But this was also a reminder -- appropriately on Mother's Day -- for all of us to seize all the time we can, every moment possible, with our children.
The other day I mentioned to Holly that I wondered what makes a better gift for Mother's Day -- something to assist you in your mothering role (organizers, etc.) or something to help you escape from it temporarily (spa treatment, etc.). It's an interesting thing to ponder. But then, almost as a postscript to that conversation, on the news this morning I heard a tidbit that raised my eyebrows and caused me to revisit some of those thoughts: The news item said 50% of new mothers wish they could leave their jobs and stay home with their children and that if their husbands made enough money they would gladly quit their jobs to stay home.
I know the working outside the home vs. being a stay-at-home mom is a hot topic, and I'm not going to debate the issue here. As far as I'm concerned, it's a matter of individual priorities -- doing what you think is best and not bowing to pressure to do something else. As for the 50% who wish they could stay home, I hope they can find the means to follow that dream soon (sometimes just cutting out the extras can make it happen) because there won't be a "do-over" later. (Presumably the 50% who do not wish to leave work are already following their dreams of continuing to work.)
In the end, after all that's happened this weekend, my "revisited" thoughts on what makes the best Mother's Day gift led me to this: Whether you're a new mother or a long-time mom like me, I can think of no better gift than time with your children. The whole day to play ... a phone call ... a walk in the park ... a shopping expedition ... even sitting in front of the TV together. Just time. It's what that 50% craves more of. It's what Jessica is terrified she'll lose with Addison. It's what has built beautiful memories for me over the years (the blackberry picking every year is really about spending a day with my girls).
I can go to a spa any old time.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Awesome Friday: my main man Martin
As previously discussed, I've changed my "favorite things Friday" to "awesome Friday" because it's easier to find things that are awesome than to sort through and find a favorite.
Here's something I find awesome: when Martin Luther came before the church leaders and made his "Here I Stand" speech. His confidence and dedication to God's word are ... well, awesome. I know part of my fascination with this is because I'm Lutheran and I grew up with this story, but I particularly love the way it's portrayed here by Joseph Fiennes. The only criticism I have is that we all know Luther was a little bit wider than Fiennes, but what the heck. Creative license, right?
Here's the awesome moment. No offense to my Roman Catholic friends.
Here's something I find awesome: when Martin Luther came before the church leaders and made his "Here I Stand" speech. His confidence and dedication to God's word are ... well, awesome. I know part of my fascination with this is because I'm Lutheran and I grew up with this story, but I particularly love the way it's portrayed here by Joseph Fiennes. The only criticism I have is that we all know Luther was a little bit wider than Fiennes, but what the heck. Creative license, right?
Here's the awesome moment. No offense to my Roman Catholic friends.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Blog-pimping: "Cyberbrethren: A Lutheran Blog"
Go check out this guy and his blog. The information is doctrinally sound, useful and often pretty funny. I particularly like the posting on "worst ever vestments."
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
More LOL stuff
I discovered that there are other LOL sites besides the delightful LOLcats @ Icanhascheezburger.com:
LOLdogs @ Ihasahotdog.com
Graphjam.com (pop culture for people in cubicles) -- which has a terrific listing of flowcharts and graphs.
Puditkitchen.com (hilarious political humor) -- which has this as one of its offerings:
LOLdogs @ Ihasahotdog.com
Graphjam.com (pop culture for people in cubicles) -- which has a terrific listing of flowcharts and graphs.
Puditkitchen.com (hilarious political humor) -- which has this as one of its offerings:

Monday, May 5, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
It's "caturday": and I am linking to Amanda's blog
Amanda introduces Hampton today in her caturday post (complete with photo). I couldn't have said it better myself, so I'm linking over there.
Also ... here's a link to my vacation blog for the upcoming cruise. I'm starting it now so I can do some pre-cruise bragging.
Also ... here's a link to my vacation blog for the upcoming cruise. I'm starting it now so I can do some pre-cruise bragging.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Favorite things Friday: that it is Friday, finally!
I cannot take one more minute of this week. It has been a rough week for me. I will do you the honor of not recounting just how rough (I want to keep my readership), but if I say, in all caps, THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY, that should say it all.
Also -- I think from this point on, I will call this "Awesomeness Friday," to point out something totally awesome I discovered or noticed that week, rather than "Favorite things Friday," which means I have to come up with something that has a ranking. And that's tough sometimes. I mean, I can find awesome things every day. But a favorite thing? Not so easy.
All in favor? Aye! The ayes have it and so ordered. Awesomeness Friday it is, then.
Oh ... and my favorite day of the week? Friday, of course. Hope you enjoy yours!
Also -- I think from this point on, I will call this "Awesomeness Friday," to point out something totally awesome I discovered or noticed that week, rather than "Favorite things Friday," which means I have to come up with something that has a ranking. And that's tough sometimes. I mean, I can find awesome things every day. But a favorite thing? Not so easy.
All in favor? Aye! The ayes have it and so ordered. Awesomeness Friday it is, then.
Oh ... and my favorite day of the week? Friday, of course. Hope you enjoy yours!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy anniversary!
It's happy anniversary shout-out time for Mom and Dad! It's their ... um ... let's see ... "lots of years" anniversary. Seeing as how it's one more year than how old I am, I'm reluctant to give the number. Let's just say lots of years and let it go at that.
I can't let this moment pass without mentioning how they met. Dad was in the Navy stationed in Norfolk and Mom worked at a drive-in diner as one of those waitresses-on-wheels (think American Graffiti), and Dad used to go there all the time. He would ask for her specifically, and I think it took a long time before Mom agreed to go out with him. But finally she did, and I'm glad, because eventually they ended up married and had a bunch of babies and so here we are. Heh.
Happy "lots of years," you guys!
I can't let this moment pass without mentioning how they met. Dad was in the Navy stationed in Norfolk and Mom worked at a drive-in diner as one of those waitresses-on-wheels (think American Graffiti), and Dad used to go there all the time. He would ask for her specifically, and I think it took a long time before Mom agreed to go out with him. But finally she did, and I'm glad, because eventually they ended up married and had a bunch of babies and so here we are. Heh.
Happy "lots of years," you guys!
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