Yeah, well, I'm there.
Also: I really haven't felt much like expounding on my thoughts here because my thoughts have not been altogether fit for human consumption of late and why burden my reading public with that?
But today I feel a lot better ... better enough to resume blogging, such as it is. So without further ado ...
Take a look at this photo:

All I can say is: "Holy crap!" My experience with Bad Weather Stuff has been pretty much limited to hurricanes and severe thunderstorms (with the rare ice storm/snow that shuts the state down because we have no idea how to drive in it), so looking at this makes me want to run. Not sure in which direction, though.
Here's the story that accompanied the photo. I suddenly feel fortunate to live in an area where instead of tornadoes there are hurricanes, which we have time to pack up our valuables and run from.
Gah!! Steven loves tornadoes.. I don't get it. I mean, he doesn't want to be IN one, but loves looking at pictures and whatnot.
Holy crap for real! Geez... it does make me feel happy that we get a warning for our terrible storms. Yikes.
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