Friday, February 1, 2008

Favorite things Friday: Ken Follett

This guy is my favorite author, hands down, no questions. He first intrigued me with the Eye of the Needle. I still consider it one of the most perfectly written works ever.

Then he blew me away with Pillars of the Earth. It's a long book, but it's so spellbinding I couldn't put it down. Even now, when I read it again -- and I usually reread it once or twice a year -- I still can't put it down. That's how good it is.

Now he's done it again with the sequel to Pillars of the Earth: World Without End. I don't consider it better than Pillars (how could it be?), but it's just as good.

I have all of his books, and something I've noticed about his writing is that he manages to make each book so different -- but each a worthy read -- so they're not formulaic, the way some writers write the same book over and over with different characters and settings.

This is a writer whose work I would read no matter what -- and I'm talking full price retail hard cover. Check him out at his Web site.

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