So here on Sunday -- and Sunday evening at that -- is one of my favorite things: the library on a cruise ship. That probably sounds weird -- a library? On a cruise ship? What for? No really, it's one of the quietest places on board. And trust me, quiet is hard to come by on the ship, what with the wild and crazy pool parties and the lounges with the bands and the throngs (that's throngs not thongs!) walking around the promenade -- quiet is a rare commodity.
I love libraries anyway -- with or without the rest of the ship to accompany them. It's all about the books. Books ... mmm! There's something about surrounding yourself with them that nurtures the soul.
Here's a photo of the library on the Victory, which we'll sail on in May. Doesn't it just feel all old world and warm and inviting? Can't wait to go hang out in here!
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