In fact, I almost named this blog "A few of my favorite things" just to focus on the good and positive things around me. But then I realized that every time I went to post, I'd get that Julie Andrews song stuck in my head, and that, quite frankly, is NOT one of my favorite things.
So instead I'll make the favorite things a regular feature. Maybe "Favorite things Friday" -- except today it's Saturday and I don't want to wait a whole week before posting this.
Now, with that intro -- quite possibly the longest and most unnecessary intro in blog history -- here's a favorite of mine: the new cherry cordial Hershey kisses.

The inside is the same cream in cherry cordials. What can I say? Oh my. These are delicious. Quite addictive too. I love these so much that I'm willing to endorse them on my blog even though I'm not getting compensated for such a service (and wouldn't that be awesome? I'd be willing to get paid in chocolate.).
I googled "Hershey cherry cordial kiss" to hunt down a photo to post and found out that this is a limited edition kiss. So now I'm upset that they might take them off the shelves soon.
I found a petition on the site that I'm assuming will be sent to Hershey's (or maybe some have already been sent and they send additional ones periodically? I don't know). Anyway. CandyAddict also listed Candy Direct and Amazon as two places where you can buy the cherry cordial kisses online -- a huge relief in case they're missing from the shelves soon. (Still: Amazon sells candy too? What's next? Pet food?)
I'm not a fan of cherry. But I do like the Hershey Kiss truffle, I don't know if that was a limited edision or not.. I haven't looked for them lately.
Does this mean you're going to be like Oprah and your favorite things will become incredibly hot sellers? This probably also means you need to give them away from time to time -- we're always happy to help with that at our office! :)
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