This is one of our inside cats, Tabitha, or Tabby for short. Also Tabs, Tabster, Tab-Tab, Tabituuuuuh and a number of other nicknames, some of which come to me at the spur of the moment.
Tabby came to live with us with her brother Milenko (whom you'll meet next Caturday). They were two of a trio born to a stray who was being cared for by our former neighbor. The first kitten had been taken, and Connie was going to get Milenko, but I said we couldn't leave that one kitty by herself, so we got both. So technically she's mine, but really she belongs to the whole family. (Or, more accurately, we belong to her.)
She loves getting inside bags, boxes and baskets and loves lying on the paper, especially when you're trying to read it. It's only fitting that the photo shows her with three of the things she loves most.
She also has this way of looking at you and squinting, which makes me wonder if she needs glasses.
The only thing about Tabs that bugs me is a bad habit she has of going potty on the pee-pad we put down for the dog to use (who is STILL confused about the fact that her bathroom is outside ... more on that when I introduce Cocoa, our toy poodle). She also pees on the bathroom mats ... but she scrunches them up like she's "covering" the evidence (as cats do in a litter box). Now, the weird thing is she also uses the litter box. I think she's doing this on-the-mat/on-the-pee-pad thing to either a) identify with the dog or b) point out what a mess the dog is making.
I'm not sure if she's incredibly smart or vindictive as hell.
I think that she might be trying to frame the dog to get her in trouble, or out of the house. LOL
That just seems like such a cat thing to do.
Awww Tabby!!! :)
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